Great Lakes Waterproofing for Basements and Foundations


Serving Minneapolis, Saint Paul, the Metro Area and beyond

  • Wet Basement with beaver dam system

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    Beaver Dam System Leaking Everywhere

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    Wet Foundation Holes and Cracks

    Foundation Cracks and Holes Allowing Water Into Bloomington Apartment Building

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    University Using Exterior Waterproofing

    Real Waterproofing, On The Ouside!

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    Mixing Bentonite for Real Waterproofing!

    Bentonite For Exterior Waterproofing

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

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    Saint Paul Home With Water Leaks

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

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    Drain Tile in Older Minneapolis Building

  • Minneapolis Drain tile is leaking

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    Minneapolis New Drain Tile is Still Leaking!

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    Drain Tile Pipe Is Full Of Sand!

  • Waterproofing paint is not working

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    Basement Waterproofing Paint Is Peeling Off

  • Using dimple board for inside the wet basement

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    Dimple Board is Not Working on The Inside of my Basement!

  • Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up

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    Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up

  • I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking

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    I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking

  • Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material

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    Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material

  • Basement Waterproofing Sealing Cracks

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    Targeting The Wet Areas at a Fraction of The Cost of Drain Tile.

  • Real Waterproofing on The Outside of The Foundation

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    Real Waterproofing Starts on The Outside of The Foundation


Woodbury Waterproofing

Woodbury Minnesota Waterproofing Projects For Wet Basements

Great Lakes Waterproofing has been serving Woodbury for close to 18 years!  Specializing in exterior waterproofing, we stop water before it enters cracks and holes, moving through your walls.  Parts of Woodbury have very wet and moving ground conditions, if you have water in your basement similar to the photos below call us now for a FREE EVALUATION!  Most homes in Woodbury are newer and have a drain tile system the best waterproofing choice for these homes is exterior waterproofing, stopping it outside the foundation.

Waterproofing Minneapolis Home

Waterproofing Woodbury Basement Wall Cracks

This Woodbury Home has a crack in the basement foundation wall, when it rains the water comes in above the drain tile system.  The corrugated black plastic is supposed to capture this water but with heavy rains it's flowing into the room (it's mostly dry in this photo)

The homeowner cut away the insulation to find the source of this basement water and had concerns of mold and mildew growing in the area, it loves dark wet areas.

The solution to fixing this wet basement was exterior waterproofing using Great Lakes Waterproofing bentonite injections.

Real Waterproofing is sealing the foundation on the outside, not bringing it in and pumping it back outside. 

Cracks in foundation wall

Waterproofing Woodbury Townhouse Basement Foundations

This Woodbury Townhome also had a similar problem with a cracked basement wall and water coming in above the floor on the foundation wall.  The underfloor drain-tile waterproofing system did not collect any of this water.  When the owner pulled off the insulation and drywall to figure out what was happening, he saw this extremely wet area.

To the right of the window you can see water coming through the crack and the white paint is Dry-Lock Waterproofing Paint, which is also not stopping this water.

Using Great Lakes Waterproofing exterior bentonite injections, this foundation was sealed up outside, stopping the water flow.

Waterproofing Minneapolis Home

Waterproofing Woodbury Pump Building Foundation

This Woodbury Pump House Building used Great Lakes Exterior Waterproofing to seal the foundation.  A new drain-tile system was unacceptable with all of the heavy pump equipment in the way.

With little to no disruption of the landscaping, we pumped a chunky blend of waterproofing bentonite around the exterior foundation walls.  When done we clean the area and leave it almost the same as when we started.

Most projects can be done in a day and we can stage the pumping and mixing equipment away from your employees work area.

When stopping basement water is the solution, Real Waterproofing is the answer!

Contact Us Now Free Estimates!

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